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The GAMESS version January 12, 2009 R3 was built using the Intel v11.1 compilers and v3.2.2 MPI library, according to the instructions in http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/building-gamess-with-intel-compilers-intel-mkl-and-intel-mpi-on-linux/
The required build scripts - comp, compall, lked - and run script - rungms - were modified to account for our own installation.  In order to build GAMESS one first must ensure that the intel and intelmpi modules are loaded ("module load intel intelmpi").  This applies to running GAMESS as well.
The module "gamess" must also be loaded in order to run GAMESS ("module load gamess").
The modified scripts are in the file /scinet/gpc/src/gamess-on-scinet.tar.gz
====Running GAMESS====
- Make sure the directory /scratch/$USER/gamess-scratch exists (the $SCINET_RUNGMS script will create it if it does not exist)
- Make sure the modules: intel, intelmpi, gamess are loaded (in your .bashrc: "module load intel intelmpi gamess").
- Create a torque script to run GAMESS.  Here is an example:
- The GAMESS executable is in $SCINET_GAMESS_HOME/gamess.00.x
- The rungms script is in $SCINET_GAMESS_HOME/rungms (actually it is $SCINET_RUNGMS)
- For IB multinode runs, use the $SCINET_RUNGMS_IB script
- The rungms script takes 4 arguments:  input file, executable number, number of compute processes, processors per node
For example, in order to run with the input file /scratch/$USER/gamesstest01, on 8 cpus, and the default version (00)
of the executable on a machine with 8 cores:
  # load the gamess module in .bashrc
  module load gamess 
  # run the program
  $SCINET_RUNGMS /scratch/$USER/gamesstest01 00 8 8
Here is a sample torque script for running a GAMESS calculation, on a single 8-core node:
<source lang="bash">
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=48:00:00,os=centos53computeA
#PBS -N gamessjob
## To submit type: qsub gms.sh
# If not an interactive job (i.e. -I), then cd into the directory where
# I typed qsub.
  if [ -n "$PBS_O_WORKDIR" ]; then
# the input file is typically named something like "gamesjob.inp"
# so the script will be run like "$SCINET_RUNGMS gamessjob 00 8 8"
# load the gamess module if not in .bashrc already
# actually, it MUST be in .bashrc
# module load gamess
# run the program
$SCINET_RUNGMS gamessjob 00 8 8
Here is a similar script, but this one uses 2 InfiniBand-connected nodes,
and runs the appropriate $SCINET_RUNGMS_IB script to actually run the job:
<source lang="bash">
#PBS -l nodes=2:ib:ppn=8,walltime=48:00:00,os=centos53computeA
#PBS -N gamessjob
## To submit type: qsub gmsib.sh
# If not an interactive job (i.e. -I), then cd into the directory where
# I typed qsub.
  if [ -n "$PBS_O_WORKDIR" ]; then
# the input file is typically named something like "gamesjob.inp"
# so the script will be run like "$SCINET_RUNGMS gamessjob 00 8 8"
# load the gamess module if not in .bashrc already
# actually, it MUST be in .bashrc
# module load gamess
# This script requests InfiniBand-connected nodes (:ib above)
# so it must run with the IB version of the rungms script,
$SCINET_RUNGMS_IB gamessjob 00 16 8
-- [[User:Dgruner|dgruner]]  5 October 2009

Revision as of 16:12, 9 April 2010


The GAMESS version January 12, 2009 R3 was built using the Intel v11.1 compilers and v3.2.2 MPI library, according to the instructions in http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/building-gamess-with-intel-compilers-intel-mkl-and-intel-mpi-on-linux/

The required build scripts - comp, compall, lked - and run script - rungms - were modified to account for our own installation. In order to build GAMESS one first must ensure that the intel and intelmpi modules are loaded ("module load intel intelmpi"). This applies to running GAMESS as well. The module "gamess" must also be loaded in order to run GAMESS ("module load gamess").

The modified scripts are in the file /scinet/gpc/src/gamess-on-scinet.tar.gz

Running GAMESS

- Make sure the directory /scratch/$USER/gamess-scratch exists (the $SCINET_RUNGMS script will create it if it does not exist)

- Make sure the modules: intel, intelmpi, gamess are loaded (in your .bashrc: "module load intel intelmpi gamess").

- Create a torque script to run GAMESS. Here is an example:

- The GAMESS executable is in $SCINET_GAMESS_HOME/gamess.00.x - The rungms script is in $SCINET_GAMESS_HOME/rungms (actually it is $SCINET_RUNGMS)

- For IB multinode runs, use the $SCINET_RUNGMS_IB script

- The rungms script takes 4 arguments: input file, executable number, number of compute processes, processors per node

For example, in order to run with the input file /scratch/$USER/gamesstest01, on 8 cpus, and the default version (00) of the executable on a machine with 8 cores:

  # load the gamess module in .bashrc
  module load gamess  
  # run the program
  $SCINET_RUNGMS /scratch/$USER/gamesstest01 00 8 8

Here is a sample torque script for running a GAMESS calculation, on a single 8-core node:

<source lang="bash">

  1. !/bin/bash
  2. PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=48:00:00,os=centos53computeA
  3. PBS -N gamessjob
    1. To submit type: qsub gms.sh
  1. If not an interactive job (i.e. -I), then cd into the directory where
  2. I typed qsub.


  if [ -n "$PBS_O_WORKDIR" ]; then


  1. the input file is typically named something like "gamesjob.inp"
  2. so the script will be run like "$SCINET_RUNGMS gamessjob 00 8 8"
  1. load the gamess module if not in .bashrc already
  2. actually, it MUST be in .bashrc
  3. module load gamess
  1. run the program

$SCINET_RUNGMS gamessjob 00 8 8 </source>

Here is a similar script, but this one uses 2 InfiniBand-connected nodes, and runs the appropriate $SCINET_RUNGMS_IB script to actually run the job:

<source lang="bash">

  1. !/bin/bash
  2. PBS -l nodes=2:ib:ppn=8,walltime=48:00:00,os=centos53computeA
  3. PBS -N gamessjob
    1. To submit type: qsub gmsib.sh
  1. If not an interactive job (i.e. -I), then cd into the directory where
  2. I typed qsub.


  if [ -n "$PBS_O_WORKDIR" ]; then


  1. the input file is typically named something like "gamesjob.inp"
  2. so the script will be run like "$SCINET_RUNGMS gamessjob 00 8 8"
  1. load the gamess module if not in .bashrc already
  2. actually, it MUST be in .bashrc
  3. module load gamess
  1. This script requests InfiniBand-connected nodes (:ib above)
  2. so it must run with the IB version of the rungms script,

$SCINET_RUNGMS_IB gamessjob 00 16 8 </source>

-- dgruner 5 October 2009