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=== Compiler/Devel Node ===
=== Compiler/Devel Node ===
From ''<tt>p7n01</tt>''' you can compile, do short tests, and submit your jobs to the queue.
From '''<tt>p7n01</tt>''' you can compile, do short tests, and submit your jobs to the queue.
==== GNU ====
==== GNU ====

Revision as of 13:18, 19 May 2011

P7 Cluster (P7)
Tesla S2070 3qtr.gif
Installed May 2011
Operating System Linux (RHEL 6.0)
Interconnect Infiniband
Ram/Node 128 Gb
Cores/Node 32 (128 Threads)
Login/Devel Node p7n01 (from login.scinet)
Vendor Compilers xlc/xlf
Queue Submission Torque


The P7 Cluster consists of 5 IBM Power 755 Servers each with 4x 8core 3.3GHz Power7 CPUs and 128GB Ram. Similar to the Power 6, the Power 7 utilizes Simultaneous Multi Threading (SMT), but extends it from 2 threads per core to 4. This allows the 32 physical cores to support up to 128 threads which in many cases can lead to significant speedups.


First login via ssh with your scinet account at login.scinet.utoronto.ca, and from there you can proceed to p7n01 which is currently the gateway/devel node for this cluster.

Compiler/Devel Node

From p7n01 you can compile, do short tests, and submit your jobs to the queue.


gcc/g++/gfortran version 4.4.4 is the default with RHEL 6.0 and is available by default.


To use the IBM Power specific compilers xlc/xlc++/xlf you need to load the following modules

$ module load vacpp xlf

NOTE: Be sure to use "-q64" when using the IBM compilers.


OpenMPI is available for both compilers

$ module openmpi/1.5.3-gcc-v4.4.4
$ module openmpi/1.5.3-ibm-11.1+13.1

IBM's POE is installed but due to current problems with loadleveler/lapi/poe it is not recommended for use.

Submit a Job

Currently a vary basic torque (pbs based) queuing system has been setup with one 48 hour batch queue.

Create a script as follows:

# p7script.sh
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=128,walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -N P7test


mpirun -np 128 ./a.out

Then submit

qsub p7script.sh

Interactive sessions can also be facilitated with

qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=128,walltime=1:00:00

To see running jobs use


and to cancel a running or queued job

qdel JOBID