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=== runjob ===
=== runjob ===
All BGQ jobs are launced using '''runjob''' which for those familiar with MPI is analogous to mpirun/mpiexec.  The "block" argument is the predefined group of nodes
All BGQ jobs are launced using '''runjob''' which for those familiar with MPI is analogous to mpirun/mpiexec.  Jobs run on a block, which is a predefined group of nodes that have already been configured and booted.  When using loadleveler this is set for you, and you do not have to specify the block name. For example, if your loadleveler script requests 64 nodes, each with 16 cores (for a total of 1024 cores), you run a job with 16 processes per node and 1024 total processes with
that have already been configured and booted and when using loadleveler this is set for you. For this example block R00-M0-N03-64 is made up of 2 node cards
with 64 compute nodes (1024 cores).  To run a job with 16 tasks/node and 1024 total tasks the following command is used.
runjob --block BLOCK_ID --ranks-per-node=16 --np 1024 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in
runjob --np 1024 --ranks-per-node=16 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in
For pure mpi jobs, it is advisable always to give the number of ranks per node, because the default value of 1 may leave 15 cores on the node idle. the argument to ranks-per-node may be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.
Here, <tt>--np 1024</tt> sets the total number of mpi tasks, while <tt>--ranks-per-node=16</tt> specifies that 16 processes should run on each node.
For pure mpi jobs, it is advisable always to give the number of ranks per node, because the default value of 1 may leave 15 cores on the node idle. The argument to ranks-per-node may be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.  
(Note: If this were not a loadleveler job, and the block ID was R00-M0-N03-64, the command would be "<tt>runjob --block R00-M0-N03-64 --np 1024 --ranks-per-node=16 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in</tt>")
runjob flags are shown with
runjob flags are shown with
runjob -h
runjob -h
Line 234: Line 233:
where # is from 1-7 which can be helpful in debugging an application.
where # is from 1-7 which can be helpful in debugging an application.
=== How to set ranks-per-node ===
There are 16 cores per node, but the argument to ranks-per-node may be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.  While it may seem natural to set ranks-per-node to 16, this is not generally recommended.  On the BGQ, one can efficiently run more than 1 process per node, because each core has four "hardware threads" (similar to HyperThreading on the GPC and Simultaneous Multi Threading on the TCS and P7), which can keep the different parts of each core busy at the same time. One would therefore ideally use 64 ranks per node.  There are two main reason why one might not set ranks-per-node to 64:
# The memory requirements do not allow 64 ranks (each rank only has 256MB of memory)
# The application is more efficient in a hybrid MPI/OpenMP mode (or MPI/pthreads). Using less ranks-per-node, the hardware threads are used as OpenMP threads within each process.
Because threads can share memory, the memory requirements of the hybrid runs is typically smaller than that of pure MPI runs.
Note that the total number of mpi processes in a runjob (i.e., the --np argument) should be the ranks-per-node times the number of nodes (set by bg_size in the loadleveler script). So for the same number of nodes, if you change ranks-per-node by a factor of two, you should also multiply the total number of mpi processes by two.
=== Batch Jobs ===
=== Batch Jobs ===
Job submission is done through loadleveler with a few blue gene specific commands.  The command "bg_size" is in number of nodes, not cores, so a bg_size=64 would be 1024 cores.
Job submission is done through loadleveler with a few blue gene specific commands.  The command "bg_size" is in number of nodes, not cores, so a bg_size=64 would be 64x16=1024 cores.

Revision as of 14:06, 30 October 2012

Blue Gene/Q (BGQ)
Blue Gene Cabinet.jpeg
Installed August 2012
Operating System RH6.2, CNK (Linux)
Number of Nodes 2048(32,768 cores), 512 (8,192 cores)
Interconnect 5D Torus (jobs), QDR Infiniband (I/O)
Ram/Node 16 GB
Cores/Node 16 (64 threads)
Login/Devel Node bgqdev-fen1,bgq-fen1
Vendor Compilers bgxlc, bgxlf
Queue Submission Loadleveler

System Status: BETA

Oct 30, 2012: As of today, /gpfs/home is backed-up daily.

Oct 29, 2012: The development system driver has been upgraded to R1V1M2 as if 2:00 pm today and is available again.

Oct 24, 2012: The production system driver has been upgraded to R1V1M2 and is available again. The development system is still at R1V1M1.

Oct 23, 2012: The production system is being upgraded and unavailable. The development system remains up.

Oct 12, 2012: Updated wiki. Now in friendly-user mode!

Oct 3, 2012: The BGQ is in Beta testing and as such the environment is still under development as is the wiki information contained here.

Support Email

Please use bgq-support@scinethpc.ca for BGQ specific inquiries.


BGQ is an extremely dense and energy efficient 3rd generation blue gene IBM supercomputer built around a system on a chip compute node that has a 16core 1.6GHz PowerPC based CPU (PowerPC A2) with 16GB of Ram. The nodes are bundled in groups of 32 into a node board (512 cores), and 16 boards make up a midplane (8192 cores) with 2 midplanes per rack, or 16,348 cores and 16 GB of RAM per rack. The compute nodes run a very lightweight linux based operating system called CNK. The compute nodes are all connected together using a custom 5D torus highspeed interconnect. Each rack has 16 I/O nodes that run a full Redhat Linux OS that manages the compute nodes and mounts the filesystem. SciNet has 2 BGQ systems, a half rack 8192 core development system, and a 2 rack 32,768 core production system.


5D Torus Network

The network topology of Blue/Gene Q is a five-dimensional (5D) torus, with direct links between the nearest neighbors in the ±A, ±B, ±C, ±D, and ±E directions. As such there are only a few optimum block sizes that will use the network efficiently.

Node Boards Compute Nodes Cores Torus Dimensions
1 32 512 2x2x2x2x2
2 (adjacent pairs) 64 1024 2x2x4x2x2
4 (quadrants) 128 2048 2x2x4x4x2
8 (halves) 256 4096 4x2x4x4x2
16 (midplane) 512 8192 4x4x4x4x2
32 (1 rack) 1024 16384 4x4x4x8x2
64 (2 racks) 2048 32768 4x4x8x8x2

Login/Devel Nodes

The development nodes for the BGQ are bgqdev-fen1 for the half-rack development system and bgq-fen1 for the 2-rack production system. You can login to them from the regular login.scinet.utoronto.ca login nodes or directly from outside to the half-rack development system using bgqdev.scinet.utoronto.ca.

These development nodes are Power7 running Linux which serve as compilation and submission hosts for the BGQ. Programs are cross-compiled for the BGQ on these nodes and then submitted to the queue using loadleveler.

Modules and Environment Variables

To use most packages on the SciNet machines - including most of the compilers - , you will have to use the `modules' command. The command module load some-package will set your environment variables (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc) to include the default version of that package. module load some-package/specific-version will load a specific version of that package. This makes it very easy for different users to use different versions of compilers, MPI versions, libraries etc.

A list of the installed software can be seen on the system by typing

$ module avail

To load a module (for example, the default version of the intel compilers)

$ module load vacpp

To unload a module

$ module unload vacpp

To unload all modules

$ module purge

These commands can go in your .bashrc files to make sure you are using the correct packages.

Note that a module load command only sets the environment variables in your current shell (and any subprocesses that the shell launches). It does not effect other shell environments.

If you always require the same modules, it is easiest to load those modules in your .bashrc and then they will always be present in your environment; if you routinely have to flip back and forth between modules, it is easiest to have almost no modules loaded in your .bashrc and simply load them as you need them (and have the required module load commands in your job submission scripts).


The BGQ uses IBM XL compilers to cross-compile code for the BGQ. Compilers are available for FORTRAN, C, and C++. They are accessible by default, or by loading the xlf and vacpp modules. The compilers by default produce static binaries, however with BGQ it is possible to now use dynamic libraries as well. The compilers follow the XL conventions with the prefix bg, so bgxlc and bgxlf90 are the C and FORTRAN compilers respectively.

Most users however will use the MPI variants, i.e. mpixlf90 and mpixlc and which are available by loading the mpich2 module.

module load mpich2

It is recommended to use at least the following flags when compiling and linking

-O3 -qarch=qp -qtune=qp

Software modules installed on the BGQ

Software Version Comments Command/Library Module Name
IBM fortran compiler 14.1 These are cross compilers bgxlf,bgxlf_r,bgxlf90,... xlf
IBM c/c++ compilers 12.1 These are cross compilers bgxlc,bgxlC,bgxlc_r,bgxlC_r,... vacpp
MPICH2 MPI library 1.4.1 There are 4 versions (see BGQ Applications Development document). mpicc,mpicxx,mpif77,mpif90 mpich2
GCC Compiler 4.4.6 GNU Compiler Collection for BGQ powerpc64-bgq-linux-gcc, powerpc64-bgq-linux-g++, powerpc64-bgq-linux-gfortran bgqgcc
Debug/performance tools
gdb 7.1 GNU Debugger gdb gdb
Storage tools/libraries
ESSL 5.1 IBM Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library (manual below) libesslbg,libesslsmpbg essl
FFTW 2.1.5, 3.3.2, 3.1.2-esslwrapper Fast fourier transform libsfftw,libdfftw,libfftw3, libfftw3f fftw/2.1.5, fftw/3.3.2, fftw/3.1.2-esslwrapper
GSL 1.15 GNU Scientific Library libgsl, libgslcblas gsl

Job Submission

As the BGQ architecture is different from the development nodes, the only way to test your program is to submit a job to the BGQ. Jobs are submitted through loadleveler using runjob which in many ways similar to mpirun or mpiexec. As shown above in the network topology overview, there are only a few optimum job size configurations which is also further constrained by each block requiring a minimum of one IO node. In SciNet's configuration (with 8 I/O nodes per midplane) this allows 64 nodes (1024 cores) to be the smallest block size. Normally a block size matches the job size to offer fully dedicated resources to the job. Smaller jobs can be run within the same block however this results in shared resources (network and IO) and are referred to as sub-block jobs and are described in more detail below.


All BGQ jobs are launced using runjob which for those familiar with MPI is analogous to mpirun/mpiexec. Jobs run on a block, which is a predefined group of nodes that have already been configured and booted. When using loadleveler this is set for you, and you do not have to specify the block name. For example, if your loadleveler script requests 64 nodes, each with 16 cores (for a total of 1024 cores), you run a job with 16 processes per node and 1024 total processes with

runjob --np 1024 --ranks-per-node=16 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in

Here, --np 1024 sets the total number of mpi tasks, while --ranks-per-node=16 specifies that 16 processes should run on each node. For pure mpi jobs, it is advisable always to give the number of ranks per node, because the default value of 1 may leave 15 cores on the node idle. The argument to ranks-per-node may be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.

(Note: If this were not a loadleveler job, and the block ID was R00-M0-N03-64, the command would be "runjob --block R00-M0-N03-64 --np 1024 --ranks-per-node=16 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in")

runjob flags are shown with

runjob -h

a particularly useful one is

--verbose #

where # is from 1-7 which can be helpful in debugging an application.

How to set ranks-per-node

There are 16 cores per node, but the argument to ranks-per-node may be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64. While it may seem natural to set ranks-per-node to 16, this is not generally recommended. On the BGQ, one can efficiently run more than 1 process per node, because each core has four "hardware threads" (similar to HyperThreading on the GPC and Simultaneous Multi Threading on the TCS and P7), which can keep the different parts of each core busy at the same time. One would therefore ideally use 64 ranks per node. There are two main reason why one might not set ranks-per-node to 64:

  1. The memory requirements do not allow 64 ranks (each rank only has 256MB of memory)
  2. The application is more efficient in a hybrid MPI/OpenMP mode (or MPI/pthreads). Using less ranks-per-node, the hardware threads are used as OpenMP threads within each process.

Because threads can share memory, the memory requirements of the hybrid runs is typically smaller than that of pure MPI runs.

Note that the total number of mpi processes in a runjob (i.e., the --np argument) should be the ranks-per-node times the number of nodes (set by bg_size in the loadleveler script). So for the same number of nodes, if you change ranks-per-node by a factor of two, you should also multiply the total number of mpi processes by two.

Batch Jobs

Job submission is done through loadleveler with a few blue gene specific commands. The command "bg_size" is in number of nodes, not cores, so a bg_size=64 would be 64x16=1024 cores.

# @ job_name           = bgsample
# @ job_type           = bluegene
# @ comment            = "BGQ Job By Size"
# @ error              = $(job_name).$(Host).$(jobid).err
# @ output             = $(job_name).$(Host).$(jobid).out
# @ bg_size            = 64
# @ wall_clock_limit   = 30:00
# @ bg_connectivity    = Torus
# @ queue 

# Launch all BGQ jobs using runjob
runjob --np 1024 --ranks-per-node=16 --envs OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 --cwd=$SCRATCH/ : $HOME/mycode.exe myflags

To submit to the queue use

llsubmit myscript.sh

to see running jobs

llq -b

to cancel a job use

llcancel JOBID

and to look at details of the bluegene resources use


Note: the loadleveler script commands are not run on a bgq compute node but on the front-end node. Only programs started with runjob run on the bgq compute nodes. You should therefore keep scripting in the submission script to a bare minimum.

Interactive Use

As BGQ codes are cross-compiled they cannot be run direclty on the front-nodes. Users however only have access to the BGQ through loadleveler which is appropriate for batchjobs, however an interactive session is typically beneficial when debugging and developing. As such a script has been written to allow a session in which runjob can be run interactively. The script uses loadleveler to setup a block and set all the correct environment variables and then launch a spawned shell on the front-end node. The debugjob session currently allows a 30 minute session on 64 nodes.

[user@bgqdev-fen1]$ debugjob

[user@bgqdev-fen1]$ runjob --np 64 --ranks-per-node=16 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/my_code -f myflags

[user@bgqdev-fen1]$ exit

NOTE: This is a prototype script so be gentle

Sub-block jobs

BGQ allows sub-block jobs, however this would need to be done from within the same loadleveler submission scripts using multiple calls to runjob. To run a sub-block job (ie share a block) you need to specify a "--corner" within the block to start the job and a 5D AxBxCxDxE "--shape". The following example shows 2 jobs sharing the same block.

runjob --block R00-M0-N03-64 --corner R00-M0-N03-J00 --shape 1x1x1x2x2 --ranks-per-node=16 --np 64 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in
runjob --block R00-M0-N03-64 --corner R00-M0-N03-J04 --shape 2x2x2x2x1 --ranks-per-node=16 --np 256 --cwd=$PWD : $PWD/code -f file.in


The BGQ has its own dedicated 500TB GPFS filesystem for both $HOME and $SCRATCH.

file system purpose user quota backed up purged
/gpfs/home development 50 GB yes never
/gpfs/scratch computation 20 TB no not currently

Although this file system is shared between the bgq development and production system, the file system is not shared with the other SciNet systems (gpc, tcs, p7, arc), nor is the other file system mounted on the BGQ. Use scp to copy files from one file system to the other, e.g., from bgqdev-fen1, you could do

  $ scp @login.scinet.utoronto.ca:code.tgz .

or from a login node you could do

  $ scp code.tgz @bgqdev.scinet.utoronto.ca:

Note that you currently have to use the full names of these systems, and that it will ask for your password.


  1. Julich Documentation
  2. BGQ System Administration Guide
  3. BGQ Application Development
  4. IBM XL C/C++ for Blue Gene/Q: Getting started
  5. IBM XL C/C++ for Blue Gene/Q: Compiler reference
  6. IBM XL C/C++ for Blue Gene/Q: Language reference
  7. IBM XL C/C++ for Blue Gene/Q: Optimization and Programming Guide
  8. IBM XL Fortran for Blue Gene/Q: Getting started
  9. IBM XL Fortran for Blue Gene/Q: Compiler reference
  10. IBM XL Fortran for Blue Gene/Q: Language reference
  11. IBM XL Fortran for Blue Gene/Q: Optimization and Programming Guide
  12. IBM ESSL (Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library) 5.1 for Linux on Power