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There are a number of software tools that are specifically designed in post-processing the vast amounts of data that CCSM4 produces in order to conduct a proper scientific analysis of your results.
There are a number of software tools that are specifically designed in post-processing the vast amounts of data that CCSM4 produces in order to conduct a proper scientific analysis of your results.

Latest revision as of 16:15, 17 June 2013

WARNING: The last edit of this page is over two years old. The information on this page may be out-of-date.

There are a number of software tools that are specifically designed in post-processing the vast amounts of data that CCSM4 produces in order to conduct a proper scientific analysis of your results.

We have NCAR diagnostic packages on the SciNet system. The programs and observational data are at: /project/ccsm/model_diagnostics

In particular view the following PDF to get started: /project/ccsm/model_diagnostics/Diagnostics_and_Output_Tutorial.pdf