Installing CCSM3
This page is mostly a record of the steps needed to install CCSM3 on the General Purpose Cluster (GPC) (Linux). This may be useful for running the model through it's initialization step, if for example, you want to change the boundary conditions and need to see if the model initializes with the new boundary conditions.
The first several lines of the Macros.Linux (configuration) file (Using Intel Fortran Compilers):
#=============================================================================== # CVS $Id: Macros.Linux,v 2007/01/17 05:17:49 tcraig Exp $ # CVS $Source: /fs/cgd/csm/models/CVS.REPOS/shared/bld/Macros.Linux,v $ # CVS $Name: ccsm3_0_1_beta24 $ #=============================================================================== ### Makefile macros for "Linux", supports portland + gnu # Makefile macros for "Linux", supports Intel compilers + gnu #=============================================================================== INCLDIR := -I. -I$(FPATH) -I$(SCINET_NETCDF_INC) -I$(INCROOT) -I$(INC_MPI) -I$(NETCDF_MOD) #SLIBS := -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf -llapack -lblas #SLIBS := -L$(LIBRARY_PATH) -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_em64t -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf SLIBS := -L$(SCINET_NETCDF_LIB) -lnetcdf CPP := NONE CPPFLAGS := CPPDEFS := -DLINUX -DFORTRANUNDERSCORE -DLINUX -DNO_SHR_VMATH CPPFLAGS := -DLINUX -DNO_SHR_VMATH -DINTEL_COMPILER -Df2cFortran FC := mpif90 #FFLAGS := -c -r8 -i4 -Kieee -Mrecursive -Mdalign -Mextend #FFLAGS := -c -real-size 64 -integer-size 32 -align all -fltconsistency -recursive -extend_source 132 ## This compiles on intel x86_64 FFLAGS := -O0 -cpp -c -real-size 64 -integer-size 32 -align all -fltconsistency -save #FFLAGS := -c -r8 -i4 -autodouble -align all -fltconsistency -recursive -fast #FFLAGS := -cpp -c -r8 -i4 -132 -autodouble -convert big_endian -fp-model precise -prec-div -prec-sqrt -recursive -align all -fltconsistency CC := mpicc CFLAGS := -c -DUSE_GCC FIXEDFLAGS := FREEFLAGS := -free MOD_SUFFIX := mod LD := $(FC) AR := ar ULIBS := -L$(LIBROOT) -lesmf -lmct -lmpeu -lmph FLIBS := -L/usr/local/lib
In /project/ccsm/ccsm3_current/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines
Modified these files:
run.linux.gpc added:
mpirun -np $NTASKS[1] ./$COMPONENTS[1] : -np $NTASKS[2] ./$COMPONENTS[2] : -np $NTASKS[3] ./$COMPONENTS[3] : -np $NTASKS[4] ./$COMPONENTS[4] : -np $NTASKS[5] ./$COMPONENTS[5]
Mirrored the other linux batch config file, you may need to change in your run script after the model is built to run on torque PBS properly
#! /bin/csh -f #=============================================================================== # This is a CCSM batch job script for $mach #=============================================================================== ## BATCH INFO #PBS -N ${jobname} #PBS -q ${qname} ##PBS -l nodes=${nodes}:ib:ppn=${tasks} #PBS -l walltime=${tlimit} #PBS -r n #PBS -j oe #PBS -k oe #PBS -S /bin/csh -V limit coredumpsize 1000000 limit stacksize unlimited
# General machine specific environment variables - edit before the initial build # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setenv LIB_NETCDF $SCINET_NETCDF_LIB setenv INC_NETCDF $SCINET_NETCDF_INC setenv INC_MPI $SCINET_MPI_INC setenv SCRATCH /scratch/$USER/ if !($?SCRATCH) then set SCRATCH = $HOME echo "## Warning: SCRATCH not defined in system environment. Set SCRATCH to be $HOME"; endif setenv EXEROOT $SCRATCH/exe/$CASE setenv RUNROOT $EXEROOT setenv GMAKE_J 1 #####set the path for netcdf module: netcdf.mod if(! $?NETCDF_MOD) then ##### user need to set this variable. ### setenv NETCDF_MOD /usr/local/lib64/r4i4 endif # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Environment variables for prestaging input data - edit anytime during run # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setenv DIN_LOC_ROOT /project/ccsm/inputdata setenv DIN_LOC_ROOT_USER /project/ccsm/inputdata_user
Modified check_machine to include gpc:
diff esmf.buildlib esmf.buildlib~ 24c24 < if ($OS == 'Linux') setenv ESMF_ARCH linux_intel --- > if ($OS == 'Linux') setenv ESMF_ARCH linux_pgi
Edit /project/ccsm/ccsm3_current/scripts/ccsm_utils/Components/mct.buildlib
MCT configure wants to grab gfortran because of the PATH order
if ( `uname` == "Linux" ) then setenv FC mpif90 endif
Finally make sure the following modules are loaded: intel, intelmpi, netcdf4.0.1_nc3, gcc
I have the following set on GPC:
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) intel/intel-v11.1.072 3) gcc/4.4.0 5) netcdf/4.0.1_nc3_intel 7) parallel-netcdf/1.1.1 2) intelmpi/impi- 4) Xlibraries/X11-64 6) python/2.6.2
My .bashrc has:
if [ "${HOST}" == "AIX" ]; then # do things for the TCS machine : else # do things for the GPC machine module load intel intelmpi gcc Xlibraries netcdf python parallel-netcdf export MACH="gpc" export PATH="/home/$LOGNAME/bin:$PATH:/scinet/gpc/bin" : fi