The queueing system used at SciNet is based around Cluster Resources Moab Workload Manager. Moab is used on both the GPC and TCS however Torque is used as the backend resource manager on the GPC and IBM's LoadLeveler is used on the TCS.
This page outlines some of the most common Moab commands with full documentation available from Moab here.
Queue Info
To see all jobs queued on a system use
Three sections are shown; running, idle, and blocked. Idle jobs are commonly referred to as queued jobs as they meet all the requirements, however they are waiting for available resources. Blocked jobs are either caused by improper resource requests or more commonly by exceeding a user or groups allowable resources. For example if you are allowed to submit 10 jobs and you submit 20, the first 10 jobs will be submitted properly and either run right away or be queued, however the other 10 jobs will be blocked and the jobs won't be submitted to the queue until one of the first 10 finishes.
Available Resources
To show how many total nodes are currently free use
showbf -A
To show how many infiniband nodes are free use
showbf -f ib
Job Submission
On the GPC an interactive queue session can be requested using the following
qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 -I
Non-interactive (Batch)
For a non-interactive job submission you require a submission script formatted for the appropriate resource manger. Examples are provided for the GPC and TCS.
Job Status
Cancel a Job
User Stats