User Remote
Step 0: Some SSH Aliases to Make Life Easier
function p7() { ssh p7n01-ib0 "$@" } function gpc() { ssh gpc01 "$@" }
Submitting jobs
The GPC and P7 job submission commands (qsub and llsubmit, respectively) do not allow for the submission of multiple job files, leaving the user to have to for-loop through multiple files when batch submission is required. The below bash function automates such looping and can be added to the shell environment
function submit() { host=`hostname | awk '/^scinet/ {print 0} /^gpc/ {print 1} /^p7/ {print 2}'` if [ $host -eq 0 ]; then # Login node echo "Can't submit from a login node" return fi if [ $host -eq 1 ]; then # GPC submitter=qsub elif [ $host -eq 2 ]; then # P7 submitter=llsubmit fi for fpath in "$@"; do $submitter "$fpath" done }
ashwin@gpc-f101n084-ib0 $ ls ashwin@gpc-f101n084-ib0 $ submit job*.sh # submits all three job files using qsub
ashwin@gpc-f101n084-ib0 $ ls job1.ll job2.ll job3.ll ashwin@ashwin@p7n01 $ submit job*.ll # submits all three job files using qsub
Canceling jobs
The GPC and P7 job submission commands (canceljob and llcancel, respectively) do not allow for the submission of multiple job files, leaving the user to have to for-loop through multiple files when batch submission is required. The below bash function automates such looping and can be added to the shell environment
function cancel() { host=`hostname | awk '/^scinet/ {print 0} /^gpc/ {print 1} /^p7/ {print 2}'` if [ $host -eq 0 ]; then # Login node echo "Cannot cancel from Login node" return fi if [ $host -eq 1 ]; then # GPC canceler=canceljob elif [ $host -eq 2 ]; then # P7 canceler=llcancel fi for jid in "$@"; do $canceler "$jid" done }
Remote/Batch query running jobs
The GPC and P7 queues may be queried for job status (respectively, with showq and llq). However, this shows only the job ID and not much else. The following bash functions list the running and queued jobs in much more detail
Querying multiple queues
function que() { host=`hostname | awk '/^scinet/ {print 0} /^gpc/ {print 1} /^p7/ {print 2}'` if [ $host -eq 0 ]; then p7 que echo "========================================" gpc que fi if [ $host -eq 1 ]; then #GPC showq -u "$USER" elif [ $host -eq 2 ]; then # P7 llq -u "$USER" fi }
Getting detailed job information from queues
function columnize() { array=$1 (for lineno in `seq 0 ${#lines[@]}`; do line=${lines[lineno]} echo "$line" done) | column -t } function clearLines() { for _ in `seq 1 $1`; do echo -ne "\e[1A" done } function whatare() { host=`hostname | awk '/^scinet/ {print 0} /^gpc/ {print 1} /^p7/ {print 2}'` if [ $host -eq 0 ]; then echo "============ P7 ============" p7 whatare echo '' echo '' echo "============GPC ============" gpc whatare fi lines=() if [ $host -eq 1 ]; then #GPC echo "-----------RUNNING-----------" for jobid in `showq -r -u $USER | grep $USER | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -n`; do name=`whatis "$jobid" | grep AName | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d '\n'` wtime=`checkjob "$jobid" | head | grep "WallTime" | tr -d '\n'` len=${#lines[@]} clearLines $len appendlen=$((len + 1)) line="$jobid $name $wtime" lines[$appendlen]="$line" columnize $lines done echo "-----------WAITING-----------" len=${#lines[@]} appendlen=$((len + 1)) lines[$appendlen]="-----------WAITING-----------" for jobid in `showq -i -u $USER | grep $USER | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -n`; do name=`whatis "$jobid" | grep AName | cut -d":" -f2` wtime=`checkjob "$jobid" | head | grep "WallTime"` len=${#lines[@]} clearLines $len appendlen=$((len + 1)) line="$jobid $name $wtime" lines[$appendlen]="$line" columnize $lines done echo "-----------BLOCKED-----------" len=${#lines[@]} appendlen=$((len + 1)) lines[$appendlen]="-----------BLOCKED-----------" for jobid in `showq -b -u $USER | grep $USER | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -n`; do name=`whatis "$jobid" | grep AName | cut -d":" -f2` wtime=`checkjob "$jobid" | head | grep "WallTime"` len=${#lines[@]} clearLines $len appendlen=$((len + 1)) line="$jobid $name $wtime" lines[$appendlen]="$line" columnize $lines done echo "=============================" return fi if [ $host -eq 2 ]; then # P7 joblines=`que | tail -n +3 | head -n -2 | sort -t'.' -k2 -n` echo "---------- RUNNING ----------" echo "$joblines" | while read jobline; do status=`echo "$jobline" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d' ' -f5` if [[ $status != R ]] ; then continue fi job=`echo $jobline | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f2` echo -n `whatis "$job" | grep "Job Name"` && echo done echo "---------- WAITING ----------" echo "$joblines" | while read jobline; do status=`echo "$jobline" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d' ' -f5` if [[ $status != I ]] ; then continue fi job=`echo $jobline | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f2` echo -n `whatis "$job" | grep "Job Name"` && echo done echo "=============================" return fi } function whatis() { host=`hostname | awk '/^scinet/ {print 0} /^gpc/ {print 1} /^p7/ {print 2}'` if [ $host -eq 0 ]; then echo "Cannot check from a login node" #return fi if [ $host -eq 1 ]; then #GPC checker=checkjob label=AName elif [ $host -eq 2 ]; then # P7 checker="llq -l" label="Job Name" fi for j in "$@"; do echo -n "$j " && $checker "$j" | grep "$label" done }