Installing CCSM4
Under construction
As a group we have a set of source code located in /project/ccsm on the SciNET GPFS:
Each of the latest versions of the model will have a "_current" at the end of the model version to designate a link to the current subversion being used. These codes have been modified to run on SciNET: Status: Model -------- TCS --------- GPC CCSM3 --------- Yes --------- No CCSM4 --------- Yes --------- Yes CESM1 --------- Yes --------- Yes
If you prefer to install in your own user space directory (e.g. you don't have access to /project/ccsm) you can use the following instructions:
Download the source code from The CCSM4.0 User's Guide, available from the CCSM4 web site, gives instructions on getting the input data sets. There is new script check_input_data which checks whether the correct input data sets are available. The build script now calls check_input_data and downloads any missing data sets. Note that this means that the first time the build script is run it must be as an interactive job, not as a batch job, as the compute nodes do not have access to an external network. The directory that holds the input data is set in the variable DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA in config_machines.xml below.
In $CCSM4_DIR/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines create the files Macros.tcs, env_machopts.tcs and mkbatch.tcs by copying the equivalent generic_linux_intel or bluefire (equivalent to TCS) files.
- EDIT Macros.tcs
- EDIT env_machopts.tcs
depending on which modules are loaded on GPC (TCS doesn't need this)
- --- set env variables for Macros if needed
#setenv NETCDF_PATH something setenv NETCDF_PATH something setenv NETCDF_MODS something
- EDIT mkbatch.tcs
You will need the following:
set mach = tcs
(copy and modify from bluefire or appropriate machine type)
setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS ${maxthrds} #mpiexec -n ${maxtasks} ./ccsm.exe >&! ccsm.log.\$LID mpirun -np ${maxtasks} ./ccsm.exe >&! ccsm.log.\$LID
The value of vmem will have to adjusted for each job.
- EDIT config_machines.xml
Replace the paths with paths to your own copy of the data and executable. Not all of the above may be necessary for all resolutions and compsets.