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ish - inventory shell

Browse directories or tarball content from local inventory files.

Ramses van Zon - SciNet/Toronto/Canada/24-06-2011


ish -h|--help                        -  Show this help
ish --version                        -  Show version number
ish [INDEXFILE]                      -  Interactive shell for INDEXFILE
ish [INDEXFILE] COMMAND              -  Perform single COMMAND on INDEXFILE

Shell commands:

help                                  -  Show available commands
avail                                 -  List available index files
use          INDEXFILE                -  Use INDEXFILE as index
ls    [-lr]  [DIR/[FILES]] ...        -  List FILES from DIR in index
cd           DIR                      -  Set current directory
pwd                                   -  Show current directory
lls/lcd/lpwd                          -  Local ls, cd and pwd
find         PATTERN ...              -  Find files following PATTERN
colour       1|0                      -  Set colour usage
index        DIR|TARFILE              -  Make index for local folder/tarfile
tar   [-zcf] TARFILE DIR[/FILES] ...  -  Tar and make index
settings                              -  List settings (colour, register...)
register     DIR                      -  Set temporary index file location 
                                         ($ISHREGISTER specifies the default)

Archive-queue-only ish shell commands:

hindex       DIR|TARFILE              -  Make index for hpss folder/tarfile
htar  [-cf]  TARFILE DIR[/FILES] ...  -  Htar and make index

Command line examples:

Local tar and gzip directory 'code':   ish tar -z code.tgz code
Long list of its content:              ish code.tgz.igz ls -l 'code/*'
Make index file for existing tar:      ish index another.tar
List its top level content:            ish another.tar.igz ls
List all of its content:               ish another.tar.igz ls -r
Find file 'hello.txt' in its content:  ish another.tar.igz find hello.txt
Make index file hsi.igz for hpss tree: ish hindex
Create index file for an htar file:    ish hindex data.tar