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Access to the SciNet systems

Access to the SciNet systems is via ssh only. Ssh to login.scinet to use GPC or TCS:


From here you can view your directories, see the queue on the GPC using qstat, log into the GPC development node, gpc-f101n001, or either of the TCS development nodes, tcs01 or tcs02.

Users can also transfer files into or out of the datacentre via the main login node, using scp, or rsync over ssh.

SciNet Firewall

Important note about logging in: The SciNet firewall monitors for too many attempted connections, and will shut down all access (including previously working connections) from your IP address if more than four connection attempts (successful or not) are made within the space of a few minutes. In that case, you will be locked out of the system for an hour. Be patient in attempting new logins!

Availability of the SciNet systems

The SciNet systems are still very new, and will require significant maintenance and reconfiguration in these early days. You could reasonably expect one of the TCS, the GPC, or their shared filesystems may need to be taken offline for maintenance one day per week. We appreciate your patience -- we're working hard to make the SciNet machines as fast and useful as possible!

Contact information

Any questions and problem reports should be addressed to <>