File System and I/O dos and don'ts
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- Make a data plan.
- Regularly check disk usage with /scinet/gpc/bin/diskUsage.
- RAM is always faster than disk: ramdisk.
- Write binary files.
- Use parallel I/O if writing from dozens of nodes.
- Use gzip and tar.
- Delete unneeded files.
- Maximize size of files.
- Do housekeeping regularly.
- Monitor disk actions with top and strace.
- Attend parallel I/O course coming soon!
- Make an appt to talk with our analysts about your I/O.
- Do not write lots of ASCII files.
- Do not write many hundreds of files in a single directory.
- Do not write many small files.
- Minimize use of file system commands like ls and du.
More information
See the slides of the TechTalk Parallel File System and I/O.