NetCDF table
Storing tables in NetCDF4
Writting a table using Python
The following example shows how to store a table of 10 records with 8 members :
name | ADCcount | grid_i | grid_j | pressure | energy | idnumber | pressure2 |
16-character String | Unsigned short integer | 32-bit integer | 32-bit integer | float (single-precision) | double (double-precision) | Signed 64-bit integer | 2-dim table of float (2*3) |
The script has been run on gpc with the following modules :
module load gcc/4.8.1 hdf5/187-v18-serial-gcc netcdf/4.1.3_hdf5_serial-gcc intel/14.0.0 python/2.7.2
from netCDF4 import Dataset from netCDF4 import chartostring, stringtoarr import numpy f = Dataset('','w',format='NETCDF4') size = 10 Particle = numpy.dtype([('name', 'S1', 16), # 16-character String ('ADCcount',numpy.uint16), # Unsigned short integer ('grid_i',numpy.int32), # 32-bit integer ('grid_j',numpy.int32), # 32-bit integer ('pressure',numpy.float32), # float (single-precision) ('energy',numpy.float64), # double (double-precision) ('idnumber',numpy.int64), # Signed 64-bit integer ('pressure2' , numpy.float32 , (2,3) ) # array of floats (single-precision) table 2 lines * 3 columns ]) Particle_t = f.createCompoundType(Particle,'Particle') f.createDimension('NRecords',None) v = f.createVariable('Data',Particle_t,'NRecords') data = numpy.empty(size,Particle) for i in xrange(10): data['name'][i] = stringtoarr('Particle: %6d' % (i),16) data['ADCcount'][i] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16) data['grid_i'][i] = i data['grid_j'][i] = 10 - i data['pressure'][i] = float(i*i) data['energy'][i] = float(data['pressure'][i] ** 4) data['idnumber'][i] = i * (2 ** 34) data['pressure2'][i] = [ [0.5+float(i),1.5+float(i),2.5+float(i)], [-1.5+float(i),-2.5+float(i),-3.5+float(i)]] #Fill data in File v[:] = data f.close()
Reading the table with a C++ code
The code has been compiled and tested on GPC with the following modules :
module load gcc/4.8.1 hdf5/187-v18-serial-gcc netcdf/4.1.3_hdf5_serial-gcc intel/14.0.0 python/2.7.2 gcc -I$SCINET_NETCDF_INC Test.cpp -o Test -lnetcdf_c++
Test.cpp :
#include <iostream> #include <netcdfcpp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> using namespace std; #define FILE_NAME "" #define DIM_LEN 10 //number of records in file int main(void) { typedef struct Particle { char name[16]; unsigned short int ADCcount; int grid_i; int grid_j; float pressure; double energy ; long idnumber; float pressure2[2][3]; } Particle; Particle data_in[DIM_LEN]; for (int i=0; i<DIM_LEN; i++){ data_in[i].ADCcount=0; data_in[i].grid_i=0; data_in[i].grid_j=0; data_in[i].pressure=0.; data_in[i].energy=0.; for (int j=0; j<2; j++){ for (int k=0; k<3; k++){ data_in[i].pressure2[j][k]=0.; } } } int ncid, typeidd, varid; int dimid; int dimids[] = {0}, fieldid; nc_def_dim(ncid, "NRecords", DIM_LEN, &dimid); nc_def_var(ncid, "Data", typeidd, 1, dimids, &varid); //Open the NetCDF file : if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) cout<<"ERROR"<<endl; //Read the data and fill the variable data_in : if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, data_in)) cout<<"ERROR"<<endl; for (int i=0; i<DIM_LEN; i++){ std::cout<<"ADCcount = "<<data_in[i].ADCcount <<" ,idnumber = "<<data_in[i].idnumber <<" ,grid_i = "<<data_in[i].grid_i <<" ,grid_j = "<<data_in[i].grid_j <<" ,pressure = "<<data_in[i].pressure <<" ,energy = "<<data_in[i].energy <<" ,name = "<<data_in[i].name <<std::endl; for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ std::cout<<data_in[i].pressure2[j][0]<<" "<<data_in[i].pressure2[j][1]<<" "<<data_in[i].pressure2[j][2]<<std::endl; } } cout << "*** SUCCESS reading example file "<<FILE_NAME<<"!" << endl; return 0; }