Oldwiki.scinet.utoronto.ca:System Alerts

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System Status

upGPC upTCS upSandy upARC upFile System
upGravity upP7 upBGQ upHPSS

On Tuesday September 9 ,2014, the SciNet datacentre will be down for maintenance. The electrical transformers that feed the datacentre require servicing, and the SciNet datacentre will go down at 7:30am. The shutdown is expected to last most of the day, with service resuming by 6pm.

Please note: All jobs on the GPC will be cancelled, and the queue purged. This is in order to allow us to install a new version of the Moab/Torque scheduler.

Last updated on Mon 8 Sep 2014 11:36:45 EDT

(Previous messages)