Intel Xeon Phi / NVIDIA Tesla K20 | |
Installed | April 2013 |
Operating System | Linux Centos 6.4 |
Number of Nodes | 1 |
Interconnect | DDR Infiniband |
Ram/Node | 32 GB |
Cores/Node | 8 with Xeon Phi & K20 |
Login/Devel Node | arc01 |
Vendor Compilers | nvcc,pgcc,icc,gcc |
Queue Submission | none |
This is a single test node, part of the Accelerator Research Cluster, for investigating new accelerator technologies. It consists of a single x86_64 node with one 8-core Intel Sandybridge Xeon E5-2650 2.0GHz CPU with 32GB of RAM. It has a single NVIDIA Tesla K20 GPU with CUDA Capability 3.0 (Kepler) with 2496 CUDA Cores and 5 GB of RAM as well as a single Intel Xeon Phi 3120A with 57 1.1 GHz cores and 6GB of RAM. The node is interconnected to the rest of the clusters with DDR Infiniband and mounts the regular SciNet GPFS filesystems.
First login via ssh with your scinet account at, and from there you can proceed to arc01. Access to this machines is not enabled be default so please email for access.
As this is a single node users are expected to use it in a "friendly" manner as this system is not setup for production usage, and primarily for investigating new technologies run times are limited to under 4 hours. To access the node you need to use the queue, similar to the standard ARC and GPC compute nodes, however with a maximum walltime of 4 hours.
For an interactive job use
qsub -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 -q arcX -I
The same software installed on the GPC is available on arcX using the modules framework. See here for full details.
NVIDIA Tesla K20
See the ARC wiki page for full details of the available CUDA and OpenCL compilers and modules. To use all the K20 (Kepler) features a minimum of CUDA 5.0 is required.
module load cuda/5.0
Driver Version
The current NVIDIA driver version for the K20 is 310.44
Xeon Phi
The Xeon Phi uses the standard intel compilers, however requires at least version 13.1
module load intel/14.0.0
IntelMPI also has Xeon Phi support
module load intelmpi/
NOTE: Be sure to use mpiifort for compiling native MIC Fortran code as the mpif77,mpif90 scripts ignore the -mmic flags and will produce host only code.
The Intel Cluters Tools such as vtune amplifier and inspector are available for the Xeon Phi by loading the following modules.
module load inteltools
OpenCL version 1.2 is available for the Xeon Phi on arcX
Direct Access
The Xeon Phi can be accessed directly from the host node by
ssh mic0
The host node arc09 mounts the standard SciNet filesystems, i.e. $HOME and $SCRATCH, however to share files between the host and Xeon Phi use /localscratch/$HOME which shows up as $HOME on "mic0".