Intro to Tkinter

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This is a ~2 hour class that will introduce Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming using the Python Tkinter module. Topics covered will include:

  • The creation of widgets
  • Geometry Managers
  • Pop-up windows
  • Menus, bindings
  • GUIs and threads

Please note that beginner-intermediate experience with Python will be assumed. If you are new to Python, be sure to brush-up before class.

Laptop-preparation Instructions

This course will feature in-class hands-on work, to be performed on your laptop. Before coming to the class, please ensure that the following are installed on your laptop:

  • Some version of Python. The class will be taught using Python 2.7.X, but any more-recent version of Python (2.6.X, 3.3.X) should work.
  • Tkinter. Be sure to test the installation to make sure that it works correctly. This can be done by typing
    import Tkinter
    from a Python command line. If that doesn't work you are probably running Python 3.3.X. Try the following instead:
    import tkinter
  • Pillow. This package is a friendly fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), which is no longer being maintained. Again, this can be tested by typing
    import PIL
    and if you are using Windows:
    import _imaging
    from the Python command line.

If you can't get the aforementioned software working on your laptop, please contact us and we will assist you.

Helpful links