Modern Fortran
Modern Fortran for FORTRAN77 users
Jonathan Dursi
Course Overview
A Brief History of Fortran
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FORTRAN (1957)
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Incremental changes
- The most common to see “in the wild” of old code today
- if/else/endif, better do loops, control of implicit typing
- Character strings, saved variables, IO improvements
- Approved in 1978, beginning long tradition of “optimistic” naming of standards by year.
The interregnum
- Programming languages and techniques were moving quite quickly
- Several attempts were made to make new version, but standardization process very slow, failed repeatedly.
- Absent new real standard, implementations began to grow in many different directions
- Some extensions became quasi-standard, many were peculiar to individual compilers.
- Enormous changes; the basis of modern Fortran (not FORTRAN!)
- Free form, array slices, modules, dynamic memory allocation, derived types...
- Changes so major that took several years for compilers to catch up.
- Modern fortran
And since...
- Fortran95 - modest changes to Fortran90, killed off some deprecated F77 constructs.
- Fortran 2003 - bigger change; object-oriented, C interoperability. Most compilers have pretty good F2003 support.
- Fortran 2008 - mostly minor changes, with one big addition (coarray), other parallel stuff. Compiler-writers getting there.
F90, F95, F2003, F2008..
- We won’t distinguish between versions; we’ll just show you a lot of useful features of modern fortran.
- Will only show widely-implemented features from 2003 and 8, with exception of coarrays; these are being implemented and are very important.
New Format, New Syntax
Free Format: some highlights
(from samples/freeform/freeform.f90) |
Variable Declarations
- Implicit none turns off all implicit typing.
- Was a common F77 extension, but not part of a standard.
- DO THIS. Without, (eg) variable typos don’t get caught.
- This is going to be a recurring theme for several features.
- You do a little more typing and make things explicit to compiler.
- Then compiler can catch errors, optimize, better.
Variable Declarations
- The “::” separating type and name is new
- Type declarations can now have a lot more information
- Many attributes of variables set on declaration line
- :: makes it easier for you, compiler, to see where attributes stop and variable names begin
Variable Declarations
- Parameter attribute for values which will be constants.
- Compiler error if try to change them.
- Useful for things which shouldn’t change.
- F77 equivalent:
Variable Declarations
- Initialization of variables at declaration time
- Required for parameters (because can’t change them later), can be done for other variables.
- Can do anything that compiler can figure out at compile time, including math with other parameters.
Variable Declarations
- Initializing variables this way gives unexpected behaviour in functions/subroutines “for historical reasons”.
- Initialized variables given the “save” attribute
- eg, integer, save, i=5
- Value saved between calls. Can be handy - but not threadsafe.
- Initialization done only first time through.
- Not a problem for main program, parameters.
Real Kinds
- Reals, Double precisions, really different “kinds” of same “type” - floating pt real #s.
- Kinds introduced to give enhanced version of functionality of non-standard but ubiquitous constructs like REAL*8
- real32, real64 defined in iso_fortran_env in newest compilers (gfortran 4.6, ifort 12)
- selected_real_kind(N): returns kind parameter for reals with N decimal digits of precision
- Default real is generally 4-byte (32bit) real, has 6 digits of precision and a range of 37 in the exponent.
- Many built-in (‘intrinsic’) functions which give info about properties of a variable’s numerical type.
- precision - #digits of precision in decimal * range - of exponent
- tiny, huge - smallest, largest positive represented number
- epsilon - machine epsilon
- several others
Integer Kinds
- Similar constructs for integers
- selected int kind(N): kind can represent all N-digit decimal numbers.
- huge(N): largest positive number of that type samples/variables/kinds/intkinds.f90
- Character types are usually used for strings
- Specify length
- Padded by blanks
- Intrinsic trim() gets rid of blanks at end
- Can compare strings with <,>,===, etc.
- Concatenate with //
- Characters have kinds too
- gfortran has partial support for selected_char_kind(“ISO_10646”) for unicode strings.
Array declarations
- Array declarations have changed, too:
- dimension is now an attribute
- Can easily declare several arrays with same dimension
Do loops
- Do loops syntax has had some changes
- do/enddo - was a common extension, now standard.
Do loops
- All constructs now have end constructname to end.
- Named constructs (program, subroutine) require, eg, end program doi.
- Helps catch various simple errors (mismatched ends, etc.)
Do loops
- Can name control structures like do, if statements now, too.
- Handy for documentation, or to distinguish deeply-nested loops.
- Again, can help catch mismatched loops.
- enddo or end do; fortran isn’t picky about spaces.
Do loops
samples/variables/doloops/cycleexit.f90 |
Do while
- do while - repeats as
long as precondition is true.
- Seems like it should be
useful, but in practice, just do/enddo with exit condition is usually cleaner.
Hands on #1
- In workedexample/f77 is a simplified, F77ized version of a fluid-dynamics code from UeLi Pen, CITA, U of Toronto (http://
- Today we’ll be translating it to a very modern
- ssh -Y in to login nodes, then to devel nodes,
then compile (using make) and run (./hydro)
Hands on #1
- Outputs a .pbm file;
use “display dens.pbm” to see the result of dense blob of fluid moving through a light medium.
Hands on #1
- In workedexamples/freeform, have partly
converted the program to new freeform format, with enddos, ending procedures, implicit nones, and new variable declaration syntax.
- Finish doing so - just need to do program
hydro, subroutine color, subroutine outputpbm, function cfl. Fix indenting (Don't need to start at col 7 anymore).
- ~1 hr (for getting logged in and everything
Procedures and
- Several enhancements to how procedures
(functions, subroutines) are defined
- Modules are ways of organizing procedures,
definitions, into sensible units for ease of code maintenance, clarity
- Easiest to show by
- Here, the gravity
module defines a constant, and contains a function
- Main program “use”s
the module, has access to both.
- “Use” goes before
“implicit none”
Compiling & Running
- When compiling the code
a gravity.mod file is created
- Machine-generated and readable “header” file
containing detailed type, other information about contents of module
- Not compatible between
different compilers, versions.
- function gravforce can
“see” the modulewide parameter defined above.
- So can main program,
through use statement.
use module, only :
- Best practice is to only
pull in from the module what you need
- Otherwise, everything.
- Adds some clarity and
documentation, good for maintainability
- (Note syntax for
continuation of a string...) samples/procedures/simplemod/simplemod2.f90
Modules usually get their own files
- For encapsulation
- For ease of re-use
- Here’s a slightly
expanded module;
- Let’s see how to
compile it.
- (Main program hasn’t
changed much).
Modules usually get their own files
- Compiling gravity.f90
now gives both an .o file (containing the code) and the .mod file as before.
- Compiling the main
program (multifilemod.f90) requires the .mod file.
.mod needed for compilation
- ...because needs the
type information of the constants,
- and type
information, number and type of parameters, for the function call.
- Can’t compile
without these samples/procedures/multifilemod/multifilemod.f90
.o needed for linking
- Linking, however,
doesn’t require the .mod file
- Only requires the .o
file from the module code.
- .mod file analogous
(but better than) .h files for C code.
Compiling and running
- So compile files with modules first, so
those that need them have the .mod files
- Link the .o files
Private and public
- Not all of a module’s
content need be public
- Can give individual
items public or private attribute
- “private” makes
everything private by default
- Allows hiding
implementationspecific routines samples/procedures/multifilemod/gravity.f90
- We’ve already seen
procedures defined in new style; let’s look more closely.
- Biggest change: intent
attribute to “dummy variables” (eg, parameters passed in/ out). samples/procedures/funcsub/procedures.f90
- Again, make expectations
more explicit, compiler can catch errors, optimize.
- Intent(in) - read only. Error
to change.
- Intent(out) - write only.
Value undefined before set.
- Intent(inout) - read/write.
(eg, modify region of an array)
- Also documentation of a
sort. samples/procedures/funcsub/procedures.f90
- Can be typed a couple of ways.
- Old-style still works (real
function square..)
- Give a result variable different
from function name; set that, type that result (xsquared) real :: xsquared
- Explicitly type the function
name, set that as return value real :: cube
- Function values don’t take
intent samples/procedures/funcsub/procedures.f90
Procedure interfaces
- The interface to a procedure
consists of
- A procedure’s name
- The arguments, their names,
types and all attributes
- For functions, the return value
name and type
- Eg, the procedure, with all the
real code stripped out.
- Like a C prototype, but more
detailed info
- .mod files contain explicit
interfaces to all public module procedures.
Procedure interfaces
- To see where interfaces
become necessary, consider this sketch of a routine to do trapezoid-rule integration
- We want to use a passed-in
function f, but we don’t know anything about it - type, # of arguments, etc.
- Need to “type” f the same way
you do with xlo, xhi, n.
- You do that for procedures
with interfaces File:Trapezoidal_rule_illustration_small.svg
Procedure interfaces
- Define f as a parameter, give its
type via an interface.
- Can then use it, and at compile
time compiler ensures function passed in matches this interface.
- samples/procedures/interface/
Recursive procedures
- By default, Fortran procedures
cannot call themselves (recursion)
- Can be enabled by giving the
procedure the recursive attribute
- Subroutines, functions
- Recursive functions must use
“result” keyword to return value.
Pure procedures
- Procedures are pure or
impure depending on whether or not they have “side effects”:
- Changing things other
than their dummy arguments
- Modifying save variables
- Modifying module data
- Printing, etc.
Pure procedures
- Optimizations can be made
for pure routines which can’t for impure
- Label known-pure routines
with the pure attribute.
- Almost all the procedures
we’ve seen so far are pure. samples/procedures/purity/purity.f90
Optional Arguments
- Can make
arguments optional by using the optional attribute.
- Use present to test.
- Can’t use tol if not
present; have to use another variable. samples/procedures/optional/integrate.f90
Optional Arguments
- When calling the
procedure, can use the optional argument or not.
- Makes sense to leave
optional arguments at end - easier to figure out what’s what when it’s omitted.
Keyword Arguments
- To avoid ambiguity with
omitted arguments - or really whenever you want - you can specify which value is which explicitly.
- Don’t have to be in
- Can clarify calls of
routines with many arguments.
Procedures & Modules
- Modules let you bundle procedures, constants
in useful packages.
- Can have public, private components
- Compiling them generates a .mod file
(needed for compiling anything that does a “use modulename”) and an .o file (where the code goes, needed to link together the program).
Procedures & Modules
- New syntax for functions/subroutines: intent
- New syntax for function return values; result
or explicit typing of function in argument list.
- Procedures have interfaces, which are needed
for (eg) passing functions
- Optional/keyword arguments
- Pure/recursive procedures
Hands on #2
- In workedexamples/modules, have have
pulled the PBM stuff out into a module.
- Do the same with the hydro routines. What
needs to be private? Public?
- The common block (thankfully) only contains
constants, can make those module parameters
- ~30 min
Fortran arrays
- Fortran made for dealing with scientific data
- Arrays built into language
- The type information associated with an
array includes rank (# of dimension), size, element type, stride..
- Enables powerful optimizations,
programmer-friendly features.
Fortran arrays
- Can be manipulated
like simple scalar variables
- Elementwise
addition, multiplication.. samples/arrays/basic.f90
Array constructors
- Can have array
constants like numerical constants
- use [] or (/ /), then
comma-separated list of values.
- Implied do loops
can be used in constructors
- (Variables have to
be defined)
[1,2,3,4,5] or (/1,2,3,4,5/) [ (i,i=1,5)] [ ((i*j,j=1,3),i=1,5)]
Elementwise operations
- Elementwise operations
can be */+-, or application of an elemental function.
- Math intrinsics are all
elemental - applied to array, applies to every element.
- Order of execution
undefined - allows vectorization, parallelization.
Elemental Functions
- User can create their
own elemental functions
- Label any scalar function
with “elemental” should (until recently, must) be pure, so can be applied everywhere at same time.
- Faster than in loop.
- Can also take multiple
arguments: eg z = addsquare(x,y)
Array comparisons
- Array comparisons
return an array of logicals of the same size of the arrays.
- Can use any and all to
see if any or all of those logicals are true. samples/arrays/compare.f90
Array masks
- These logical arrays can
be used to mask several operations
- Only do sums, mins, etc
where the mask is true
- Eg, only pick out positive
- Many array intrinsics
have this mask option
Where construct
- The where construct
can be used to easily manipulate sections of array based on arbitrary comparisons.
- Where construct => for
whatever indices the comparison is true, set values as follow; otherwise, set other values.
Forall construct
- Forall is an array
assignment statement
- Each line in forall has to be
independent. All done “at once” - no guarantees as to order
- If (say) 2 lines in the forall,
all of the first line is done, then all of the second.
- Any functions called must
be pure
- Can be vectorized or
parallelized by compiler
Array Sections
- Generalization of array
- Familiar to users of
Matlab, IDL, Python..
- Can use “slices” of an
array using “index triplet”
- [start]:[end][:step]
- Default start=1, default
end=size, default step=1.
- Can be used for each
index of multid array
a([start]:[end][:step]) a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] a(7:) === [7,8,9,10] a(:3) === [1,2,3] a(2:4) === [2,3,4] a(::3) === [1,4,7,10] a(2:4:2) === [2,4] a(2) === 2 a(:) === [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Array Sections
- This sort of thing is very
handy in numerical computation
- Replace do-loops with
clearer, shorter, possibly vectorized array operations
- Bigger advantage for
multidimensional arrays
Array Sections
- The previous sorts of array
sections - shifting things leftward and rightward - are so common there are intrinsics for them
- +ve shift shifts elements
leftwards (or array bounds rightwards).
- cshift does circular shift - shifting
off the end of the array “wraps around”.
- eoshift fills with zeros, or
optional filling.
- Can work on given dimension
a = [1,2,3,4,5] cshift(a,1) === [2,3,4,5,1] cshift(a,-1) === [5,1,2,3,4] eoshift(a,1) ===[2,3,4,5,0] eoshift(a,-1)===[0,1,2,3,4]
Other important array
- minval/maxval - finds min, max element in an array.
- minloc/maxloc - finds location of min/max element
- product/sum - returns product/sum of array elements
- reshape - Adjusts shape of array data. Eg:
1,4 reshape([1,2,3,4,5,6],[3,2]) === 2,5 3,6
Linear algebra in Fortran
- Comes built in with transpose, matmul,
dot_product for dealing with arrays.
- matmul also does matrix-vector multiplication
- Either use these or system-provided BLAS
libraries - never, ever write yourself.
Matmul times
$ ./matmul 2500 Experiment with matrix size 2500 Triple-loop time: 149.63400 matmul intrinsic time: 10.370000 SGEMM lapack call time: 1.4809999
(gfortran 4.6, compiled -O3 -march=native using Intel MKL 10.3 for sgemm)
Linear algebra in Fortran
Array sizes and Assumed Shape
- Printmat routine here is
interesting - don’t pass (a,rows,cols), just a.
- Can assume a rank-2 array,
and get size at runtime.
- Simplifies call, and eliminates
possible inconsistency: what if rows, cols is wrong?
- size(array,dim) gets the size of
array in the dim dimension.
Array sizes and Assumed Shape
- Assumed shape arrays (eg,
dimension(:,:)) much better than older ways of passing arrays: integer nx, ny integer a(nx,ny) or worse, integer a(*,ny)
- Information is thrown away,
possibility of inconsistency.
- Here, (:,:) means we know the
rank, but don’t know the size yet.
Allocatable Arrays
- So far, all our programs have had fixed-size
arrays, set at compile time.
- To change problem size, have to edit code,
- Has some advantages (optimization,
determinism) but very inflexible.
- Would like to be able to request memory
at run time, make array of desired size.
- Allocatable arrays are arguably most
important addition to Fortran.
Allocate(), Deallocate()
- Give array a deferred size (eg,
dimension(:)) and the attribute allocatable.
- When time to allocate it, use
- Deallocate with deallocate(a).
- In between, arrays can be used
as any other array.
Allocate(), Deallocate()
- If allocation fails (not enough memory available for
request), program will exit.
- Can control this by checking for an optional error code,
- Can then test if ierr>0 (failure condition) and handle
- In scientific programming, the default behaviour is often
fine, if abrupt - you either have enough memory to run the problem, or you don’t.
- Previous version still
depended on a compiled-in number.
- Can read from file or from
console, but Fortran now has standard way to get command-line arguments
- Get the count of arguments,
and if there’s at least one argument there, get it, read it as integer, and allocate array. samples/arrays/allocatable2.f90
Hands on #3
- Use array functionality to simplify hydro code
-- don't need to pass, array size, and can simplify mathematics using array operations.
- In workedexamples/arrays, have modified
hydro to allocate u, and pbm to just take array.
- Do the same with the fluid dynamic routines in
- ~30 min
Fortran Pointers
- Pointers, or references,
refer to another variable.
- Eg, p does not contain a
real value, but a reference to another real variable.
- Once associated with
another variable, can read/write to it as if it were stored “in” p.
real, target :: x = 3.2 real, pointer:: p p => x p
x 3.2
Fortran Pointers
Fortran Pointers
- Pointers are either
associated, null, or undefined; start out life undefined.
- Can associate them to
a variable with => , or mark them as not associated with any valid variable by pointing it to null().
real, target :: x = 3.2 real, pointer:: p p => null() p
Fortran Pointers
real, target :: x = 3.2 real, pointer:: p
- Reading value from or
writing value to a null pointer will cause errors, probably crash.
p => null() p
Fortran Pointers
- Fortran pointers can’t
point just anywhere.
- Must reference a
variable with the same type, that has the target attribute.
real, target :: x = 3.2 real, pointer:: p p => x p
x 3.2
Fortran Pointers
real, target :: x = 3.2 real, pointer:: p1, p2
- Pointers can reference
other pointers.
- Actually references
what they’re pointing to.
p1 => x p2 => p1 p1 p2
x 3.2
Allocating a pointer
- Pointer doesn’t
necessarily have to have another variable to target
- Can allocate memory
for p to point to that does not belong to any other pointer.
- Must deallocate it when
real, pointer:: p allocate(p) p = 7.9 p 7.9
Allocating a Pointer
What are they good
for? (1)
- Pointers are essential for
creating, maintaining dynamic data structures
- Linked lists, trees, heaps..
- Some of these can be
sort-of implemented in arrays, but very awkward
- Adaptive meshes, treebased particle solvers
need these structures.
What are they good
for? (2)
- A pointer can be of
array type, not just scalar
- Fortran pointers +
fortran arrays are quite interesting; can create “views” of subarrays
real, target, dimension(7) :: x real, pointer:: p(:) p => x(2:6)
p x 1
Array Views
Hands on #4
- Use pointers to provide views into subsets of
the arrays in solver.f90 to clarify the functions.
- In workedexamples/pointers, have started
the process with cfl, hydroflux; try tackling tvd1d, others.
- ~30 min
Derived Types and Objects
- Often, groups of
variables naturally go together to represent a larger structure
- Whenever you find
yourself passing the same group of variables to several routines, a good candidate for a derived type.
type griddomain real :: xmin, xmax real :: ymin, ymax real :: nx, ny real, dimension(:,:) :: u endtype griddomain type(griddomain) :: g g % xmin = -1 g % xmax = +1
Derived Types and Objects
- Consider interval
arithmetic (good for quantification of uncertainties, etc).
- An interval inherently
has two values associated with it - the end points.
- Can make this a type.
Derived Types and Objects
- Note can access the
fields in the type with “%”
- typename
(field1val,field2val..) initializes a value of that type.
- Can pass values of this
type to functions, etc., just like a built-in type. samples/derivedtypes/simple/intervalmath.f90
Procedures using types
- Can start creating
library of routines that operate on these new interval types.
- Procedures can take
the new type as arguments, functions can return the new type. samples/derivedtypes/intervalfunctions/intervalmath.f90
Procedures using types
- Can start creating
library of routines that operate on these new interval types.
- Procedures can take
the new type as arguments, functions can return the new type.
Procedures using types
- Would prefer not to
have to treat integer and real intervals so differently in main program
- Different types, but
adding should be similar. samples/derivedtypes/intervalfunctions/intervalmath.f90
Procedures using types
samples/derivedtypes/genericintervals/interval2.f90 |
Generic Interfaces
- Generic Interfaces
- addintintervals and addrealintervals share the same interface, (two input parameters, one function return), but different types.
- Put them behind the same interface.
- Now, a call to addintervals is resolved at compile time to one or the other.
samples/derivedtypes/genericintervals/intervalmath.f90 |
Generic Interfaces
- Note that everything is
private except what is explicitly made public.
- Types are public.
- Generic interfaces are
- Type specific routines
are not.
- Program using interval
math sees only the generic interfaces. samples/derivedtypes/genericintervals/intervalmath.f90
Generic interfaces
- Call to addintervals or
subtract intervals goes to the correct typespecific routine.
- As does print interval.
- Could create routines
to add real to int interval, etc and add to the same interface. samples/derivedtypes/genericintervals/interval2.f90
Operator overloading
- An infix operator is
really just “syntactic sugar” for a function which takes two operands and returns a third.
a = b (op) c => function op(b,c) returns a
Operator overloading
- An assignment
operator is really just “syntactic sugar” for a subroutine which takes two operands and sets the first from the second.
a=b => subroutine assign(a,b)
Operator overloading
- Here, we’ve defined
two subroutines which set intervals based on an array - 2 ints for an integer interval, or 2 reals for a real interval
Generic interfaces
- Once this is done, can
use assignment operator,
- Or add, subtract
multiply intervals.
- Can even compose
them in complex expressions! Functions automatically composed. samples/derivedtypes/intervaloperators/interval3.f90
Type bound procedures
- Types can have not only
variables, but procedures.
- Takes us from a type to
what is usually called a class.
samples/derivedtypes/intervaltypebound/ intervalmath.f90
Type bound procedures
- Called like one accesses
a field - %
- Operates on data of
the particular variable it is invoked from
Type bound procedures
- It is implicitly passed as
it’s first parameter the variable itself.
- Can take other
arguments as well.
samples/derivedtypes/intervaltypebound/ intervalmath.f90
Object oriented
- F2003 onwards can do full object oriented
- Types can be derived from other types, inheriting
their fields and type-bound procedures, and extending them.
- Goes beyond scope of today, but this is the
starting-off point.
Interoperability with
other languages
- Large scientific software now frequently uses
multiple languages, either within a single code or between codes.
- Right tool for the job!
- Need to know how to make software
- Here we’ll look at C/Fortran code calling
each other, and calling Fortran code from python.
- iso_c_binding module contains definitions for
interacting with C
- Types, ways to bind procedures to C, etc.
- Allows you to call C routines, or bind Fortran
routines in a way that they can be called by C.
Calling a C routine
from Fortran
- As with the case of
calling a passed-in function, need an explicit prototype.
- Tells compiler what
to do with “sqrtc” function when called. samples/C-interop/call-c-fn/main.f90
Calling a C routine
from Fortran
- BIND(C) - tells compiler/
linker will have a C-style, rather than fortran-style name in object file.
- Can optionally supply
another name; otherwise, will default to procedure name.
- Here we’re calling it sqrtc
to avoid Fortran sqrt() function.
Calling a C routine
from Fortran
- The value the function
takes and returns are C doubles; that is, reals of kind(c_double).
- Also defined: c_float,
integers of kind c_int, c_long, etc.
Calling a C routine
from Fortran
- C function arguments by
default are passed by value; Fortran by default are passed by reference.
- Passed by value - values
copied into function
- Passed by reference pointers to values copied
- value attribute for C-style
Calling a C routine
from Fortran C math lib.
- Compiling - just make
sure to link in C library you’re calling
- And that’s it.
$ make gfortran -c main.f90 gfortran -o main main.o -lm
$ ./main x = 2.0000000000000000 C sqrt(x) = 1.4142135623730951 Fortran sqrt(x) = 1.4142135623730951
C strings
- When using C
strings, you have to remember that C terminates strings with a special character
- Dealing with functions
that return strings is hairier, as they return a pointer, not an array.
$ make gfortran-mp-4.4 -c main.f90 gfortran-mp-4.4 -o main main.o -lc $ ./main 1234 = 1234
Calling Fortran from C
- To write Fortran
routines callable from C, bind the subroutine to a C name
- Can optionally give it a
different name, as above
- And make sure
arguments are of C types.
Calling Fortran from C
- Here, we’ll do
something a little trickier and pass C dynamic arrays
Calling Fortran from C
- In Fortran, we accept
the arguments as C pointers
- We then associate
them with fortran pointers to arrays of shape [nx] (1d arrays here)
- Then we can do the
usual Fortran array operations with them.
Calling Fortran from C
- The single scalar
argument passed back we just treat as an intent(out) variable
- Of type c_float.
More advanced
- Handling arbitrary C code is possible
- Passing C structs -- create a Fortran derived
type with the same fields, use BIND(C) in defining the type.
- C “multidimensional arrays” - have to be
careful, they may not be contiguous! Follow pointers.
- Even taking passed function pointers to C
functions is possible (samples/C-interop/ functionptr)
Example of
Fortran calling C, which calls Fortran
$ ./main
(1) In the FORTRAN routine before call to C (1) i = 15 x = 2.0000000000000000 (2) In the C routine, got i=15, *x=2.000000 (2) Changed x (3) In the FORTRAN routine called by C (3) Got product p = 30.000000000000000 (1) In the FORTRAN routine after call to C (1) i = 15 x = 3.0000000000000000 prod = 30.000000000000000
- Comes with scipy,
a widely-installed (by scientists) python package.
- Wraps fortran in
python, allows you to easily interface.
- fwrap is another
* Will only use solver module.
- Unfortunately, f2py isn’t quite smart enough to understand
using parameters to size arrays, so global replace ‘nvars’=4
- module load use.experimental gcc python/2.7.1 intel/12
- “f2py -m hydro_solver -h hydro_solver.pyf solver.f90”
* generates the following header file (hydro_solver.pyf)
- Comment out stuff we don’t need (lower-level routines)
- f2py -c --fcompiler=gfortran hydro_solver.pyf solver.f90
$ ipython
In [1]: import hydro_solver In [2]: hydro_solver.solver. hydro_solver.solver.cfl hydro_solver.solver.gamma hydro_solver.solver.hydroflux hydro_solver.solver.idens hydro_solver.solver.iener hydro_solver.solver.imomx
hydro_solver.solver.imomy hydro_solver.solver.initialconditions hydro_solver.solver.timestep hydro_solver.solver.tvd1d hydro_solver.solver.xsweep hydro_solver.solver.xytranspose
In [2]: hydro_solver.solver.idens Out[2]: array(1, dtype=int32) In [3]: import numpy In [4]: u = hydro_solver.solver.initialconditions(100,100) In [5]: import pylab In [6]: pylab.imshow(u[1,:,:]) In [7]: for i in range(100) ...dt = hydro_solver.solver.timestep(u) In [8]: pylab.imshow(u[1,:,:])
- In F2008, objects
can also have a “codimension”.
- An object with a
codimension can be “seen” across processes
- Right now, only intel
v 12 supports this samples/coarrays/simple.f90
num_images independant processes
num_images independant processes
A[1] B[N]
Independent, parallel tasks can “see” each other’s data as easily as an array index.
- When accessing other
processor’s data, must ensure that tasks are synchronized
- Don’t want to read
task 1’s data before read is complete!
- sync all
- Other synchronization
- sync images([..]) syncs
only images in the list provided
- critical - only one
image can enter block at a time
- lock - finer-grained
control than critical.
- atomic operations.
1d Diffusion Eqn
- Calculate heat
diffusion along a bar
- Finite difference;
calculate second derivative using neighbours
- Get new
temperature from old temperatures
1 -2 1
1d Diffusion Eqn
- Initial conditions:
- Use pointers to
point to new, old temperatures
- 1..totpoints+2 (pts 1,
totpoints+1 “ghost cells)
- Setup x, orig
temperature, expected values
1d Diffusion Eqn
- Evolution:
- Apply BCs
- Apply finite
difference stencil to all real data points samples/coarrays/diffusion/diffusion.f90
1d Diffusion Eqn
- Output calculated
values and theory to file output.txt
- Note: Fortran2008,
can use “newunit” to find, use an unused IO unit
$ ./diffusion
[..] $ gnuplot [..] gnuplot> plot 'output.txt' using 1:2 with points title 'Simulated', 'output.txt' using 1:3 with lines title 'Theory'
Coarray Diffusion
- Now we’ll try this in
- Each image runs it’s part
of the problem (totpoints/num_images())
- Communications is like
boundary condition handling - except boundary data must be obtained from neighbouring image.
Coarray Diffusion
- Everything’s the same
except we are only responsible for locpoints points, starting at start.
- Once calculated, we
never need totpoints again. All arrays are of size (locpoints), etc.
- For simplicity, we
assume here everything divides evenly.
Coarray Diffusion
- Boundary exchange; if we
have interior neighbours, get updated data from them so we can calculate our new data
- Note: can’t use pointers
here, coarrays can’t be targets.
- Sync all around boundary
exchange a little heavy handed; could just sync neighbours. samples/coarrays/diffusion/diffusion-coarray.f90
Coarray Diffusion
temperature() temperature()[rightneigh]
1 2 3 ...
Coarray Diffusion
- Everything else exactly
the same.
- For I/O, we each output
our own file, prefixed by our image number
- (eg, 1-output.txt, 2output.txt...)
- 3 images
$ ./diffusion-coarray [..] $ gnuplot [..] gnuplot> plot '1-ics.txt' using 1:2, '2-ics.txt' using 1:2, '3-ics.txt' using 1:2
gnuplot> plot '1-output.txt' using 1:2, '2-output.txt' using 1:2, '3output.txt' using 1:2, '1-output.txt' using 1:3 with lines title 'Theory',
'2-output.txt' using 1:3 with lines title 'Theory', '3-output.txt' using 1:3 with lines title 'Theory'
Parallel Matrix Multiplication
- Consider matrix
operations, where matrix is decomposed onto images in blocks
- A given image has
corresponding blocks in A, B, responsible for that block in C.
B X C =
Parallel Matrix Multiplication
- Block matrix multiply exactly like matrix multiply, except each operation is a submatrix operation
- matmul instead of “*”.
- For simplicity, we’ll assume square decomposition.
B X C =
Parallel Matrix Multiplication
- Each image gets its own block of a, b, c.
- Note [nrows,*]. Coarrays can have any corank(eg, number of codimensions)
- Here, we make decomposition nrows x ncols.
- Can set decomposition array-by-array.
Parallel Matrix Multiplication
- Allocation, deallocation of coarrays is like a sync all
- Forces synchronization across all images
- Any particular coarray must have same size, co-size across all images
Parallel Matrix Multiplication
- This is the entire parallel multiplication operation.
- a[myrow,k] gets the entire a block from image at myrow,k.
- matmul works with those blocks, updates c with new term.
Coarray Summary
- Coarrays are powerful, simple-to-use addition to parallel programming models available
- Will be widely available soon
- Basic model implemented in Cray fortran for ~10 yrs; well tested and understood.
- Typically implemented with MPI under the hood; can give performance similar to MPI with fewer lines of code.
- Other languages have similar extensions (UPC based on C, Titanium based on Java) but are not part of languages’ standard.
Closing Hints
- Always give the compiler info it needs to help you by being as explicit as possible
- implicit none, end [construct] [name], parameters for constants, intent in/out, use only, etc.
- Always get as much info from compiler as possible - always use -Wall (gfortran) or -warn all (ifort).
Useful Resources
- Reference source; has all standards; Fortran2003/2008 status of major compilers
- Succinct summary of new features (spotty past F95)
- Programmers Questions & Answers