Numerical Tools for Physical Scientists (course)
This wiki page is about part II of SciNet's Scientific Computing course.
Information about part I can be found on the page Scientific Software Development Course
The second part of SciNet's for-credit Scientific Computing course (Phys 2109 modular course credit / Ast 3100 mini-course credit) will start in January 2012, annd will be held in SciNet's conference room on Fridays, Jan 13, 20, 27 and Feb 3, 9:30-11:30am.
Whereas the first part of the course focused on the basics of best practice for writing maintainable, modular scientific programs, this second part will focus on common techniques and algorithms, such as floating point computations, validation+verification, visualization, ODEs, monte Carlo, linear algebra and fast fourier transforms. Available libraries that already implement these will be introduced and used (LAPACK, FFTW, ...).
Students that did not take part I, can take part II provided that they have solid C or C++ skills, and are familiar with the basics of modular, version-controled software development in a linux-like environment, debugging and profiling, and installing libraries. The slides and recordings of part I are available on the page Scientific Software Development Course for students who need a refresher.
At the end of minicourse II, "Numerical Tools for Physical Scientists", students able to do basic, modular, version-controled software development in a linux-like environment, will leave with a basic understanding of numerical aspects of linear algebra, fast fourier transforms, random numbers and ordinary differential equation solvers, and will be able apply these in their own code using external libraries.
The course will require 4-6 hours each week spent on reading and homework.
Required Software
Each lecture will have a hands-on component; students are strongly encouraged to bring laptops. (Contact us if this will be a problem). Windows, Mac, or Linux laptops are all fine, but some software will have to be installed *before* the first lecture:
On windows laptops only, Cygwin ( will have to be installed ; ensure that development tools (gcc/g++/gfortran, gdb), git, and the X environment (Xorg) is installed.
On Mac laptops, ensure that the development tools (Xcode) is installed.
On Linux, ensure that packages for the gcc compiler suite (gcc/g++/gfortran), gdb, and git are installed
In addition, the following numerical libraries that will be used in the course should be installed:
- BLAS: If available you can use vendor-specific implementations (such as mkl on the GPC cluster). Good free implementations include gotoblas and ATLAS.
- LAPACK: Here too, you can use vendor-specific implementations if you can, or use the free implementations at (this builds upon BLAS).
- GNU Scientific Library:
It is okay to install these through a package manager if that works on your platform.
Course outline
The classes will cover the material as follows; homework will be due by email at Thursday noon on the day before the following class.
Lecture 5: Modelling, floating point, validation + verification, visualization
Lecture 6: Classic ODE solvers, pseudo random numbers, Monte Carlo.
Lecture 7: Linear algebra - Blas, Lapack, ...
Lecture 8: Fast Fourier Transform
Evaluation will be based entirely on the four home works, with equal weighting given to each.
Location and Dates (CHANGED!)
The location has changed because of the number of students that signed up. This required to shift the time slot by 30 minutes.
Fridays 10:00am - 12:00am
Jan 13, 20, 27 and Feb 3.
Bahen Centre for Information Technology
40 St. George Street
Room 1230
Office Hours
The instructors will have office hours on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 3pm-4pm, starting the week of the first class.
Location: SciNet offices at 256 McCaul, 2nd Floor.
- Mon, Jan 9, 3pm-4pm
- Wed, Jan 11, 3pm-4pm
- Mon, Jan 16, 3pm-4pm
- Wed, Jan 18, 3pm-4pm
- Mon, Jan 23, 3pm-4pm
- Wed, Jan 25, 3pm-4pm
- Mon, Jan 30, 3pm-4pm
- Wed, Feb 1, 3pm-4pm
- Mon, Feb 6, 3pm-4pm
- Wed, Feb 8, 3pm-4pm
Materials from Lectures
Lecture 1
Assignment 1
- Consider the sequence of numbers: 1 followed by 107 values of 10-7
- Should sum to 2
- Write code which sums up those values in order. What answer does it get?
- Add to program routine which sums up values in reverse order. Does it get correct answer?
- How would you get correct answer?
- Submit code, Makefile, text file with answers.
Assignment 2
- Implement an linear congruential generator with a = 106, c = 1283, m = 6075 that generates random numbers from 0..1
- Using that and MT: generate pairs (dx, dy) with dx, dy each in -1.0 .. +1.0. Generate histograms of dx and dy (say 200 bins). Does it look okay? What would you expect variation to be?
- For 10,000 points: take random walks from (x,y)=(0,0) until exceed radius of 2, then stop. Plot histogram of final angles for the two psuedo random number generators. What do you see?
- Submit makefile, code, plots, version control log.
Both assignments due at noon on Thursday Jan 19th. Email the files to and
- GNU Scientific Library:
- Git cheat sheet from Git Tower:
- Enthought python distribution:
- Intro to python from software carpentry:
- Tutorial on matplotlib: