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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:08, 8 September 2010 Snugio.pdf (file) 2.21 MB   2
16:26, 10 November 2010 Snugdebug.pdf (file) 2.89 MB TechTalk 'Debuggers at SciNet' 1
15:55, 13 January 2011 Bijia-compressed.pdf (file) 541 KB Slides of Bijia's TechTalk Jan 2011 1
14:28, 20 January 2011 Rauscher SNUG Tech Talk Jan 12 2011.pdf (file) 749 KB   1
14:29, 20 January 2011 BPang SNUG Tech Talk Jan 12 2011.pdf (file) 293 KB   1
14:50, 9 February 2011 Snugtrackjob.pdf (file) 1.94 MB   1
11:52, 14 February 2011 SNUG seminar Feb 2011.pps (file) 5 bytes   1
15:24, 9 March 2011 Mroue SNUG March 2011.pdf (file) 1,003 KB   1
15:24, 9 March 2011 Harnois SNUG March 2011.pdf (file) 84 KB   1
12:57, 16 March 2011 Scinetcppexamples.tgz (file) 3 KB   1
13:11, 14 April 2011 SNUGlocalsetup.pdf (file) 353 KB   1
13:29, 4 May 2011 PeterColberg Lua scinet.pdf (file) 1.16 MB   1
12:13, 10 May 2011 5dayMonMorning.pdf (file) 3.38 MB   3
16:23, 11 May 2011 ThurdayAfternoonNbody.pdf (file) 1.05 MB   1
09:02, 12 May 2011 Bphpc.pdf (file) 191 KB   1
10:46, 13 May 2011 Best-practice-debug.pdf (file) 540 KB   2
15:43, 30 May 2011 Ppp2011code.tgz (file) 76 KB Hands-on source code for the 5 day course practical parallel programming held at SciNet in May 2011. 1
14:44, 31 May 2011 Monday Morning Intro Parallel.pdf (file) 2.03 MB   1
14:45, 31 May 2011 Monday Morning SciNet Resources.pdf (file) 769 KB   1
14:46, 31 May 2011 Monday Morning C Review.pdf (file) 437 KB   1
14:46, 31 May 2011 Monday Afternoon OpenMP1.pdf (file) 851 KB   1
08:07, 1 June 2011 MonAftOMP1 FirstFrame.png (file) 118 KB   1
08:07, 1 June 2011 MonAftOMP2 FirstFrame.png (file) 220 KB   1
08:08, 1 June 2011 WedMorMPI FirstFrame.png (file) 115 KB   1
08:08, 1 June 2011 TueAftMPI1 FirstFrame.png (file) 229 KB   1
08:09, 1 June 2011 TueMorOMP4 FirstFrame.png (file) 171 KB   1
08:09, 1 June 2011 TueMorOMP5 FirstFrame.png (file) 156 KB   1
08:10, 1 June 2011 TueMorOMP6 FirstFrame.png (file) 110 KB   1
08:10, 1 June 2011 WedAftHyd FirstFrame.png (file) 270 KB   1
08:11, 1 June 2011 ThuMorDbg FirstFrame.png (file) 99 KB   1
08:11, 1 June 2011 ThuMorBPR FirstFrame.png (file) 107 KB   1
08:12, 1 June 2011 ThuAftNB2 FirstFrame.png (file) 143 KB   1
08:12, 1 June 2011 MonMorC FirstFrame.png (file) 126 KB   1
08:13, 1 June 2011 MonMorIntro FirstFrame.png (file) 132 KB   1
08:13, 1 June 2011 MonMorSN FirstFrame.png (file) 522 KB   1
08:14, 1 June 2011 ThuAftNB1 FirstFrame.png (file) 92 KB   1
08:14, 1 June 2011 MonAftOMP3 FirstFrame.png (file) 174 KB   1
11:50, 1 June 2011 FriMorIO.png (file) 105 KB   1
13:04, 1 June 2011 FriMorGPU FirstFrame.png (file) 130 KB   1
16:37, 2 June 2011 CppIntroduction.pdf (file) 243 KB   1
16:38, 2 June 2011 CppBasicReview.pdf (file) 289 KB   1
16:38, 2 June 2011 CppRunningExample.pdf (file) 221 KB   1
16:38, 2 June 2011 CppNice.pdf (file) 282 KB   1
16:39, 2 June 2011 CppClasses.pdf (file) 320 KB   1
16:39, 2 June 2011 CppPolymorphism.pdf (file) 256 KB   1
16:39, 2 June 2011 CppInheritance.pdf (file) 249 KB   1
16:39, 2 June 2011 CppPolyInheritance.pdf (file) 230 KB   1
16:40, 2 June 2011 CppTemplates.pdf (file) 235 KB   1
16:40, 2 June 2011 CppLibraries.pdf (file) 254 KB   1
10:18, 28 September 2011 Gpucluster.pdf (file) 7 KB   1
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