Uploads by Ljdursi

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:58, 29 April 2009 TCS-1.jpg (file) 64 KB   2
12:18, 3 June 2009 Scaling-example.png (file) 3 KB   2
14:28, 5 June 2009 Weak-scaling-example.png (file) 4 KB   3
18:26, 5 June 2009 PeekPerf.png (file) 47 KB   2
18:27, 5 June 2009 Speedshop1.png (file) 73 KB   2
18:27, 5 June 2009 Speedshop2.png (file) 116 KB   2
18:52, 5 June 2009 Scalasca.png (file) 87 KB   2
13:29, 8 June 2009 Xprofiler.png (file) 48 KB   2
16:48, 10 June 2009 Kcachegrind.png (file) 93 KB   3
15:21, 13 August 2009 StrongScalingAthenaGPC.png (file) 4 KB   2
11:17, 18 August 2009 Jumpshotoutput.png (file) 165 KB Sample output from JumpShot on TCS 1
09:46, 1 September 2009 Aug09-MPI-Intro.pdf (file) 2.6 MB   1
09:44, 2 September 2009 Aug09-Parallel-Mapmaking.pdf (file) 3.04 MB   1
10:24, 2 September 2009 Aug09-Parallel-Hydro.pdf (file) 4.85 MB   2
13:09, 3 September 2009 Aug09-Parallel-NbodyII.pdf (file) 3.69 MB MPI approaches to parallelizing particle code 1
12:35, 4 September 2009 Final.pdf (file) 4.48 MB   1
12:37, 4 September 2009 Erlang cblocks.pdf (file) 3.29 MB   1
12:03, 25 November 2009 SciNetLogo.jpg (file) 36 KB   1
12:30, 16 April 2010 Scinet-DataCentre.jpg (file) 197 KB Photo of the SciNet computer room. GPC compute nodes are in the front; TCS, and disk, in the back. 1
08:58, 15 June 2010 Paraview.png (file) 94 KB   1
08:58, 15 June 2010 Configure.png (file) 24 KB   1
12:04, 1 October 2010 PPP-Intro-Morning.pdf (file) 5.97 MB Morning slides for "Intro to Practical Parallel Programming", taught Sept 22, 2010 1
12:05, 1 October 2010 PPP-Intro-Afternoon.pdf (file) 2.77 MB Afternoon slides for "Intro to Practical Parallel Programming", taught Sept 22, 2010 1
12:16, 1 October 2010 Intro-ppp.tgz (file) 2.35 MB Sample source code for "Intro to Practical Parallel Programming", taught Sept 22, 2010 1
12:21, 14 October 2010 Netcdfhdf5.pdf (file) 4.53 MB   1
12:27, 14 October 2010 ParIO.tgz (file) 105 KB   1
01:55, 9 December 2010 ProfillingTechTalk-Dec2010.pdf (file) 4.57 MB December 2010 SNUG TechTalk -- Profiling tools on GPC. 1
23:11, 12 January 2011 Cc logo.jpg (file) 46 KB Compute Canada logo (fairly low res) 1
00:25, 20 February 2011 IPM.png (file) 180 KB A partial screenshot of IPM run on simple MPI program on TCS 1
22:55, 18 April 2011 ModernFortran-morning.pdf (file) 5.07 MB   1
10:53, 25 April 2011 ModernFortran.pdf (file) 7.72 MB   2
10:57, 25 April 2011 ModernFortran.tgz (file) 7.03 MB More sourcecode, includes slides. 2
12:39, 2 May 2011 SciNetLogoTransparent.png (file) 96 KB SciNet logo with a transparent background 1
06:40, 10 May 2011 MPI.pdf (file) 3.36 MB Tues, Wed MPI slides for Practical Parallel Programming Intensive, May 9-13 2011 1
09:10, 11 May 2011 Hydro-may2011.pdf (file) 2.63 MB Slides for Parallelizing a simple hydrodynamics code -- May 2011 Practical Parallel Programming Intensive 1
11:09, 12 May 2011 Nbody-mpi.pdf (file) 1.04 MB MPI Slides for NBody worked example, Parallel Programming Intensive, Thursday PM 12 May 2011 1
06:58, 13 May 2011 Gpgpu.pdf (file) 2.86 MB Introduction to GPGPU for 5-day Practical Parallel Programming course, 9-13 May 2011 1
18:12, 17 June 2011 ParIO-HPCS2011.tgz (file) 55 KB Source code examples for 4 hr Parallel I/O tutorial at HPCS2011, based on earlier full-day course. 1
18:15, 17 June 2011 ParIO-HPCS2011.pdf (file) 7.43 MB Slides for 4 hour Parallel IO tutorial at HPCS2011, based on earlier full day course at SciNet. 1
22:37, 29 August 2011 Intro-gpu.tgz (file) 196 KB Source code for the Intro to GPGPU with CUDA 1-day class, Aug 2011 1
22:51, 29 August 2011 IntroGPGPU-Aug2011.pdf (file) 6.95 MB   1
22:45, 10 November 2011 Diffuse2.c (file) 6 KB Homework2 starting point for Nov2011 Scientific Software Development Course 1
09:30, 11 November 2011 ScientificComputing2.pdf (file) 3.6 MB Slides for Nov 11 2011 lecture, Scientific Software Development 1
14:32, 15 January 2012 Numerics.pdf (file) 4.76 MB Slides from 13 Jan 2012 lecture for Numerical Methods for Physical Scientists 3
11:43, 20 January 2012 HW1-answer.tgz (file) 4 KB Answers to HW1 of the Jan 2012 course, 'Numerical Tools for Physical Scientists'. 1
12:43, 28 January 2012 Linearalgebra.pdf (file) 4.02 MB Slides from "Numerical Linear Algebra" lecture of 2012 Jan/Feb course on "Numerical Tools for Physical Scientists" 3
13:16, 4 February 2012 Feb-2012-HW3-answer.tgz (file) 153 KB Solution set to HW3, Numerical Tools for Physical Scientists, Jan-Feb 2012. 1
19:19, 6 February 2012 Mpi-tuning-parameters.pdf (file) 2.92 MB MPI tuning parameters -- TechTalk for Feb 2012 SNUG 1
11:10, 12 February 2012 40TB.pdf (file) 5.54 MB Dealing with large datasets: so you have 40TB of data. From the Science Illustrated workshop, Feb 2011. 1
09:04, 17 February 2012 SC3-MPI.pdf (file) 3.24 MB Intro to MPI lecture for High Performance Computing portion of Scientific Computing Course, Feb 2012 1
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